Dear future readers
I am persuading citizens of salt lake to donate money to shelters. I used the medium of flyers that will be passed around door to door. I have one that will help people find a easy place to donate, and help those in need. You can go to a place called Rescue mission salt lake to donate and find more in depth information on how to donate and some donation plans. This is to make people aware of ways to donate, it gives them easy access to the options. As I was making this one I put a quick overview of a few donation plans.
I then started on one that convinces citizens not to give money straight to homelss people, and to donate it to shelters. This was because not all the money that is given to homeless people is used for the minimum requirements of survival. They need to give the money or supplies to some that can use them smartly. The article also states that if you do end up giving money to the homeless people. Give it to the person who expects it least. “The more you give to beggars, the harder beggars will try. This leads to what economists call "rent exhaustion," which again limits the net gain to beggars'' (Thompson).
On my last one I wanted to convince people to help out around homeless shelters. I gave them a way to start helping the homeless by volunteering or by donating clothes, and food. Through a company called shelter the homeless. This also gives you a few different homeless shelters to help at in different locations, so you can help more locally.
